Chinese Marial Arts: Learning The Important Pressure Points


Chinese Martial Arts is the art of fighting that targets various pressure points throughout the body. Chinese Martial Arts is also a great way to lose some weight, just like the BBG program. In this post, we are going to talk about three Kung Fu techniques that will somehow summarize the basics of martial arts.

3 Kung Fu techniques:

  1. Bottom of the jaw line.
  2. towards the clavicle.
  3. underneath the armpit.

These three, if utilized properly, if trained for a long period of time, will be effective in whatever situation you might find yourself in.

Three Important Pressure Points In Chinese Martial Arts

  • First pressure point – under the jaw. Located underneath the wisdom tooth. You want to take your thumb and come right underneath the wisdom tooth and press upwards towards the top of their head. You can also use just the thumb and push upwards towards the head. Just like learning the basics of art, when you know where the pressure point is, this can be very effective when the situation calls for it.
  • Second pressure point is towards the clavicle. Dig into the clavicle so there’s actually a bar that locks it. You come underneath the clavicle and press against the bar-like so and you squeeze in. This is quite painful and not easy to do, not always effective. But if you do have that choice, you know where you can simply just come into the clavicle and press downward. 
  • Third pressure point is underneath the armpit. You must curve your hand around the PEC and straight into the armpit. There are differences and when you see that, that is actually Kung-Fu 101. There’s more similarities and differences that’s why when you find people say karate is better than Kung Fu.

Kung Fu Techniques : Pressure Points in Chinese Martial Arts

There are many similarities and differences, as you see the pressure point under the armpit. By using your arm and cover around the bicep and squeeze up and down at the same time. And that technique will be really painful. But in case their PEC is out , you’re pretty much going to get a good grip. If you can’t get a good grip around the shoulder, press it upward.