Is There an Art In Using Pot?

“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” – Bob Marley

As of this moment, there are number of countries that went in to the legalization of the use of marijuana. Those who are not against its use argue that legalizing the use of such plant will bring natural treatment of wide range of diseases and illnesses. In addition to that, people are already shifting to natural remedies rather than pharmaceutical products because it i more effective and safe.

There is another theory about the correlation between art and smoking pot. There are studies that shows that smoking is actually not just for relieving stress but also a form of art. How is this possible? How come there are also studies that shows the two are somewhat related?

What do People Get from Smoking Pot?

First, why do people smoke pot?

  1. Marijuana provides medicinal benefits.. Research shows that it contains different chemicals that can treat wide range of illnesses and diseases.
  2. It also serves as reliever from anger, anxiety, depression, stress, and over fatigue
  3. But most of the time, people go into smoking simply because of pressure from friends and family.
  4. Curiosity
  5. Availability and Accessibility

These are just some of the main reasons why people smoke. However, even if marijuana give these benefits, it has negative impacts especially to those who are working or planning to work and part of the application process is to undergo a drug hair test. Macujo method is a guaranteed way to pass a hair follicle test. It is proven effective and tried by thousands of users all around the world.

Smoking Pot Can Surprisingly Make People Creative

Researches show that doing pot is a form of art. What studies meant by this is that users become more creative while doing it. This is because marijuana activates the nerves in our brain that has major responsibility to our creativity. Many people do not know about this great benefit of smoking pot. Also, marijuana helps the artist to be in the mood before painting or doing art activities. However, one must take note the effect of weed to a brain’s creativity still vary because people have different personalities and views on life.

Everything should be done in moderation. Watch this video on how marijuana affects your health.